with the support of










In the splendid setting of Valcamonica, the Valley of Landmarks - on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1979 - the State University of Milan (through its branch known as the University of the Mountains, a centre of excellence for study, research and training in mountain themes) and the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (Camunian Centre for Prehistoric Studies), at the forefront in the documentation and analysis of rock-art for 50 years, are organising the first interdisciplinary advanced course in the recording of rock-art.
The lectures will involve the leading experts in the sector, both nationally and internationally, some participating by streaming links from major research institutes.

Maximum number of participants: 30
Cost of course: € 680, plus 16€ for administrative procedure(Accommodation in structures with agreed room rates)
Dates of course: 22 August - 3 September 2016
Introductive lesson in streaming: 29 July 2016

Registration: the registration must be sent by the 30 June 2016 following the english link http://www.unimontagna.it/en/percorsi-didattici/rilevamento-dellarte-rupestre/

Location and secretary:
via Morino 8 – Edolo (BS) – Italy
Tel/Fax. +39 0364 71324
Web: www.unimont.unimi.it
Mail: corso.edolo@unimi.it

Fieldschool location:
Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici
via Marconi 7 – Capo di Ponte (BS) – Italy

The advanced course “Recording rock-art: new technologies for the documentation and management of mountain and valley heritage” is proposed by the “University of the Mountains” (a centre of excellence of the University of Milan located at Edolo) in collaboration with the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici with the aim of developing new professionals for the field and transforming historical/cultural heritage into a valuable lever for regional development and economic growth.
The programme aims to provide its participants with an “expanded” point of view both geographically and chronologically and to bring together complementary disciplines so as to create ideas and methodologies and enrich the field experience of future rock-art specialists.
The lectures will include both theoretical and practical sessions on mapping using GPS and total station as well as the creation and management of databases. There will also be lectures on geoarchaeology and archaeobotany as well as the conservation and restoration of archaeological heritage.
The course is part of the training programme that aims to achieve the objectives of the “Programme Agreement” between the Education Ministry of Italy and the State University of Milan, signed on 28/07/2011. The agreement comprises various actions, amongst which is the enlargement of interdisciplinary training programmes in sectors that are strategic for the mountain economy, such as agro-forestry, environment, energy and, in this case, tourism. Such programmes aim to stimulate development in rural, hill and mountain areas.
The Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, with experience gained over 50 years of activity, proposes this professional development and specialisation course - encompassing both theory and in-the-field practice - in the human sciences and cultural heritage sector.
The course offers the possibility of learning and gaining practical experience to European students and graduates, offering lectures and contributions from professors and other professionals active in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Scandinavia and England. The course also makes available the network of experts at universities and research institutes across Europe brought together over time by the Centro Camuno.

At the end of the course participants will have mastered a series of theoretical ideas and practical tools useful for working in various fields related to rock-art. In particular: (1) the theoretical background necessary to place the phenomena studied in their chronological and cultural framework; (2) expertise in various approaches to the recording and management of data with particular emphasis on emerging technologies; (3) the ability to investigate and study rock-art in the environmental context in which it is found; (4) an understanding of, and ability to analyse, the botanical, climatic and geological context; (5) basic knowledge of the protection and conservation of archaeological heritage; (6) an understanding of the issues related to presenting rock-art in a museum context.

The course will last 80 hours over two working weeks (Mon-Fri 7 hours/day, Saturday 5 hours). The practical and theoretical elements will be combined flexibly to allow for the possibility of bad weather and to permit putting into practice the ideas and methods learned during the lectures.
Given the course’s special combination of theory and practice it will be necessary for students to be present in Valcamonica: participants will have lectures at the University of the Mountains in Edolo (BS) and practical lessons at archaeological sites in Valcamonica (those in the Nature and Rock-art Reserve of Ceto, Cimbergo and Paspardo).
The course also provides for the use of a virtual classroom that will permit lectures to be delivered by teachers in other countries. It will be possible to simultaneously connect several sites and involve other participants. Interactive question and answer sessions will be conducted through live audio-visual feed or through chat/messaging.
The final assessment of the course will take the form of a paper (maximum 12 pages) related to one of the themes addressed in lectures. The papers will be submitted to the referees of the journal “BCSP - Bulletin of the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici” and the best will be published there.